For four hundred years, generations of the Family Del Toro and their battle-savvy warhorses have secretly guarded their corner of rural Colorado from all things monster. Now with the local creepy critters finally locked away, it’s a perfect opportunity for the family to make a pilgrimage on horseback through the mountains in honor of an old friend’s memory.
That’s when the wild in wilderness comes out swinging. Along the way, Matt Del Toro and his friends battle unexpected rock slides, impossible ascents, death-by-lightning storms, and worst of all: a human-hating subterranean race known as tommyknockers.
With the knockers determined to make the Del Toros food for worms, the journey becomes a flight from danger. Aided by his war-brother, the stallion Rigo, Matt must use all his training, one unexpected resource, and a twist o’ Irish luck to save himself and his family.